Кенбугский университет (Корея) — Kyungpook National University(KNU) приглашает студентов на летнюю школу.
Студентам из партнерских вузов предоставляется скидка.
Все студенты ИУЭС, желающие принять участие в конкурсе, могут обращаться в дирекцию ИУЭС (А-106) к заместителю директора ИУЭС ЮФУ по социальной, международной и профориентационной работе Елене Константиновне Защитиной.
Финансовые условия и программа мероприятий указана в брошюрах и дополнительной информации:
On behalf of the university, we are pleased to introduce our 2020 Summer School to you and your students. We sincerely welcome your students to take the opportunity to join this 4-week program(Session 1) or 2-week program(Session 2) to explore the city of Daegu and the culture of Korea.
The Session 1 starts from June 29 to July 24 and Session 2 begins from August 10 to 21 and consists of various professional courses(undergraduate level course, 3 credits each) as well as extra-curricular cultural excursion trips.
The lectures are given from Monday to Wednesday.
On every Thursday and Friday, we take the students to various places in Korea to experience the unique culture of Korea.
On the weekends, students may plan their own trips to explore different corners of Korea.
There’s also a group discount.
— 5% discount for groups of 5 students
(Each student will receive 5% discounted price.)
— 10% for a group of 10
— 20% for a group of 15 or more
Enclosed please find the Summer School brochure. The application deadline is May 8 and the students are welcome to contact us directly for application: knusummer@knu.ac.kr
Ms. Hyunju Choi, Manager of KNU Summer School
For more information, please visit the program website: http://en.knu.ac.kr/admission/summer01.htm
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